51 best Idioms and Phrases to be asked in every competitive exams ( 51 ऐसे मुहावरे जो हर कॉम्पिटेटिव एक्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं)

1. Once in a blue moon

 something that happens rarely 

2Spill the beans

To disclose a secret

3. Come hell or high water

Possible obstacles in your path (will not stop you)

4.Taste of your own medicine

When someone receives the same treatment, usually negative, that he/she gives to others

5.Icing on the cake

Something that turns good into great

6.Ball is in your court

When it is up to you to make the next decision or step.

7. Bite off more than you can chew

To take up a task which you may not be able to accomplish due to lack of ability.

8.Hear it on grapevine

To hear rumors about something or someone

9.To sit on the fence

To remain neutral

10. At the drop of a hat

Willingness to do something instantly

11.Be on cloud nine

Be very happy

12.Eat humble pie

 To apologize humbly

13.Give cold shoulder

To ignore

14.Hit the nail on the head

To do the correct thing


15.Hit the bull’s eye

To be exactly right about something 
or achieve the best result possible.

16.It’s Greek to me 

Something that is not understandable

17Distinguish x from y

To identify two things

18.A damp squib-

 Complete failure

19.A green horn-


20. Bull in china shop

One who causes damage

21. Back seat driver-

 People who criticize from the sidelines, much like someone giving unwanted advice

22. Blood is thicker than water

The family bond is closer than anything else

खून का रिश्ता

23.Out of the wood

 Free from difficulties and dangers

24.Between the devil and the deep sea

Between two dangers


25.To play ducks and drakes

To act foolishly or inconsistently

26.To move heaven and earth

To make a supreme effort

27.Bark up the wrong tree

Accuse or denounce the wrong person

28.Have a card up one’s sleeve

Have a secret plan in reserve

29.Like a cat on hot bricks

Very nervous

30.Cat and dog life

Life full of quarrels

31.Cry for the moon

Ask for the impossible

32.Cat and dog life

Life full of quarrels

33.Spread like wild fire

Spread quickly

34.The gift of the gab

Talent for speaking

35.Leave no stone unturned

Use all available means

35.Like a fish out of water

In a strange situation

36.Smell a rat

Suspect something

37.Come off with flying colors

Be highly successfull

38.Turn over a new leaf

Change for better

39.Call a spade a spade

Speak frankly and directly

40.At one’s beck and call

Under his control

41.Give cold shoulder

To ignore

42.To pour oil on troubled waters

To make peace

43. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Do not put all your resources in one basket( in one place or thing) 

44.Make a face

To show dislike or disappointment

45.Fool’s paradise

False sense of happiness

46.Afraid of one’s own shadow

To become easily frightened

47.A house of cards

A poor plan

48.Break the ice

To initiate a social conversation or interaction

49.To be in the doldrums

To be in low spirits

50.Let sleeping dogs lie

Leave something alone if it might cause trouble

51.Open the floodgates

Release something that was previously under control

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